NASHVILLE (BP) — The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) Executive Committee (EC) is set to meet Sept. 16-17 at the Hilton BNA in Nashville. The meeting will include the presidential installation service for Jeff Iorg.
“The installation of Dr. Jeff Iorg as president of the SBC Executive Committee is the sign of a fresh start in our convention,” EC Chairman Philip Robertson told Baptist Press. He added that Iorg’s “committed spirit of cooperation, strong convictional leadership, humility and gospel focus” should be an encouragement to Southern Baptists.
“We should all be thankful for his and Ann’s selfless service to the Lord and Southern Baptists at this important time,” he said.
Robertson acknowledged the heavy task Iorg is facing as he takes the helm of the beleaguered EC.
“There are challenges ahead, but I am confident the Lord will advance His kingdom through Dr. Iorg’s leadership as we press on for His glory,” he said.
Among those challenges are the financial difficulties the EC is facing due to the investigation of alleged mishandling of sexual abuse claims and the resulting legal expenses. Iorg said next week’s meeting will be a big step toward tackling these issues.
“We plan to address the SBC funding challenges resulting from ongoing legal expenses, initiate an organizational response to sexual abuse prevention, handle the significant number of referrals and other action items sent to us from the 2024 SBC annual meeting and manage the routine work assigned to the EC,” Iorg said.
The EC received more than 50 motion and recommendation referrals from the 2024 SBC annual meeting in Indianapolis. One of those was from the Abuse Reform Implementation Task Force (ARITF) asking the EC to find a permanent home for sexual abuse prevention and response in the SBC.
While the meeting’s agenda is filled with weighty matters, Iorg is optimistic Southern Baptists will be reminded of the value of their cooperative work.
“We hope this meeting will undergird and magnify the good work Southern Baptists are doing around the world,” he told Baptist Press.
The fall EC meeting traditionally features the presentation of Lifeway Christian Resources’ summer camps offering given by thousands of campers. The offering focuses on mission work.
Lifeway President Ben Mandrell is scheduled to present the gift to International Mission Board (IMB) President Paul Chitwood and North American Mission Board (NAMB) President Kevin Ezell.
Iorg said he will also give updates on the planning of the 2025 SBC annual meeting in Dallas, which will include celebrations of the 100th anniversaries of both the Cooperative Program and the original version of the Baptist Faith and Message.
The Cooperative Program is the way Southern Baptists fund and cooperate for their agreed-upon ministry tasks. The Baptist Faith and Message is the convention’s statement of faith.
The installation service is set to begin at 6:30 p.m. Central on Monday, Sept. 16.
The plenary sessions will begin at 8:30 a.m. Central on Tuesday, Sept. 17.
Both will be livestreamed on Baptist Press’ Facebook page and app, which is available for Apple and android devices.
(EDITOR’S NOTE — Brandon Porter serves as associate vice president for convention news at the SBC Executive Committee.)