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Thanks for visiting BRnow.org. We appreciate our readers and do our best to keep your information secure.

What information do we collect?

Aggregate Data

Anonymous information about your visit is automatically logged, which may include information about your IP address, domain name, browser type, mobile device type, access time and referring website address. This is standard practice that helps us know more about how users interact with our website, which in turn helps us serve you better. This information is not personally identifiable and is only used in aggregate form. We may share this data with advertisers or ministry partners, but it cannot be used to identify or contact you individually.

User Information

This website will not collect any user information about you unless you provide it. User information includes personally identifiable data, such as your name, address, telephone number or email address. 

We may ask for such information when you sign up for an email newsletter, subscribe to the print edition or purchase another product or service. If you do not want us to obtain any personally identifiable information about you, do not submit it.

In some cases, you may submit information about other people, for example, when managing a group or gift subscription. We will use this information only to fulfill your request and for no other purpose.


Cookies are a technology that helps us serve you better. Our cookies collect no personally identifiable information. We use cookies to help us know when and how many people visit our websites; to store your personal preferences for paid online subscription services you may subscribe to, in order to provide you with the best experience possible; and to record session information, such as items that you add to your shopping cart.

For example, we may use Google Analytics and Advertising cookies to perform statistical, demographic, interest and marketing analyses for product development, to generally inform advertisers about the nature of our customers and to improve customer relationships. We may also use these cookies to deliver more relevant advertising through Facebook or Google’s Display Network, but this information is not personally identifiable and is only used in aggregate.

Our third party service providers and advertisers may also use cookies to manage and measure the performance of advertisements displayed on or delivered by or through our websites and to provide more relevant advertising.

You have the choice to set your browser to accept all cookies, notify you when a cookie is set, delete cookies periodically or reject all cookies. 

Third Parties

Advertisers and websites that have links on our website may collect information directly from you if you click an advertisement or link to visit another website. This Privacy Policy applies only to information you provide to us and not to any information you may provide to a third party. Please consult the privacy policy of any other website you visit to know what information they may collect and how they may use it.

How do we keep your information secure?

The Biblical Recorder has physical, electronic and policy safeguards in place that help protect against the loss, misuse or alteration of any information you may provide via our websites, including address information and credit card numbers. We use industry-standard encryption technologies when transferring and receiving consumer data exchanged with our websites. When we transfer and receive certain types of sensitive information such as financial information, we redirect visitors to a secure server. Please note that no security system is impenetrable. As effective as these measures are, we cannot guarantee the security of our database nor that the information you supply will not be intercepted while being transmitted over the internet.

Privacy Policy Updates

From time to time, we may use customer information for new, unanticipated uses not previously disclosed in our privacy notice. We will post any such policy changes on our website to notify you of these changes and provide you with the ability to opt out of these new uses. If you are concerned about how your information is used, you should check our website periodically.

If you have questions about how we use your information, please contact us.

Biblical Recorder
P.O. Box 1185
Cary, NC 27512
(919) 847-2127