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Children's Ministry Director
Granite Falls, N.C.
Dudley Shoals Baptist Church
Posted January 30, 2025

Children's Ministry Director

Dudley Shoals Baptist Church — Granite Falls, N.C.
Children's Ministry Director
Granite Falls, N.C.
Dudley Shoals Baptist Church
Posted January 30, 2025

Dudley Shoals Baptist Church, Granite Falls, N.C. is prayerfully seeking a Children’s Ministry Director. The primary responsibility of this position will be to provide leadership and teaching for the children of our church (birth-6th grade). The Director must exhibit a personal and growing relationship with Jesus, be spiritually mature, enthusiastic, and someone who brings fresh vision and leadership to this growing ministry. Our goal is for children to be discipled to COME to Christ, to GROW in Him, and to SERVE with Jesus in advancing the gospel beyond our church.

The Director will work to establish intentional relationships with the children’s families by encouraging and equipping parents to disciple their children from infants to youth. Ultimately,  it is our vision that the Director would love the Lord and the Word of God, be willing to cultivate a team mindset working with our staff, and have a heart for God’s church.

We are an established church located in the beautiful countryside of Granite Falls, North Carolina. For a full job description, email: [email protected]. If you sense God’s leading to this position, please email your resume to: [email protected].

Position Qualifications:

– A strong, evident calling to children’s ministry and a passion for teaching and discipling the next generation.
– Agreement with the Southern Baptist Faith and Message 2020 and alignment with the mission and values of DSBC.
– Preferred: Bachelor’s degree in ministry, education, or a related field.
– Experience in children’s ministry, with demonstrated success in leading programs.
– Strong communication, leadership, and organizational skills, with the ability to recruit and motivate volunteers.
– Ability to teach biblical concepts effectively in age-appropriate ways.
– Competence with technology and communication tools (e.g., social media, Microsoft Office).
– Must pass a background check and adhere to DSBC’s “Safe Church Policy.”

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