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Minister of Worship
Cheraw, SC
First Baptist Church
Posted Posted 1 day ago

Minister of Worship

First Baptist Church — Cheraw, SC
Minister of Worship
Cheraw, SC
First Baptist Church
Posted Posted 1 day ago

Cheraw First Baptist is prayerfully seeking a dynamic and experienced minister of worship to lead our multigenerational church in worship. CFBC has a large, established worship / production team with men and women of all ages serving. The worship pastor will be responsible for music and worship service planning and preparation as well as direction and oversight of all production and A/V technologies. The principal purpose of this position is to organize and facilitate worship through music, leading the church body to worship Jesus. The worship pastor will work in partnership with staff and church leadership to help the church lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ through intentional relationships.

•A personal relationship with Jesus and a call to church ministry. The person should be a leader with a desire to foster and implement the vision of CFBC along with the necessary leadership skills to recruit, train, develop, and guide leaders and volunteers.
•The ability to lead our church into worship as a stand-alone worship leader or as part of a team.
•Proficiency in guitar or piano and the necessary understanding and ability to lead groups musically.
•Familiarity with necessary technologies to lead ministry effectively and to promote CFBC’s worship ministry. Technologies include, but are not limited to planning software, worship software, and social media.
•Organizational abilities to coordinate volunteers, activities, and manage multiple tasks simultaneously.
•A team-oriented mentality with the ability to communicate well and work collaboratively with all levels of volunteer leadership and staff.
•Competent in reading music and working with click tracks and in-ear monitors.
•Joyfully relational with church members, volunteers, and staff.
•A person of humility.

If you would like to be considered for this position, please email your cover letter and resumé to: [email protected]

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