ADAMAWA STATE, Nigeria (BP) — Nigerian Christian leaders are seeking clemency for a Christian farmer given the death sentence for killing a Fulani herdsman during an attack on his farm, it was widely reported... read more
Joshua Rivers has a humorous way of describing the goal of the missionary task. “We want to work ourselves out of a job,” he said. Rivers and his wife Gracie are International Mission Board (IMB) missionaries who work among South Asian peoples... read more
DAVAO CITY, Philippines — Chris Cook, pastor of Parkade Baptist in Columbia, Mo., didn’t know what to think when Pastor Mayinto Ganzon reached out to him on Facebook in November of 2023. Cook was a little skeptical at first, but he replied... read more
LATAKIA, Syria (BP) — An untold number of Christians were among nearly 1,000 civilians massacred in renewed violence on Syria’s western coast before the government announced a ceasefire and peace deal on March 10, according to reports... read more
NASHVILLE (BP) — March 8 holds painful memories for Ezekiel Batsi Batende, pastor of Swahili Baptist Church at Woodmont. On that day in 2008, he and his family fled their home in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) as rebels burned Machumbi village... read more
From vengeance to baptism, a refugee’s journey to Christ
Russia seriously violates religious freedom in Ukraine, latest report echoes
Congolese Southern Baptists support, pray for DRC homeland as death toll rises
Unknown number of Christians among civilian deaths in Syrian violence
‘Modern-day Macedonian call’: Online connection leads to partnership with church in Philippines