DALLAS (BP) — A preliminary schedule for this year’s Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) annual meeting in Dallas on June 10-11 was released Tuesday (March 25) by the SBC’s Committee on Order of Business.
The meeting will begin with 15 minutes of worship and prayer Tuesday morning, June 10, before the call to order by SBC President Clint Pressley at 8:15 a.m. John Stegemerten, the worship ministry pastor at Pressley’s church in Charlotte, N.C., will lead the meeting’s worship times.
Many facets of the meeting will focus on Southern Baptists’ shared mission, including centennial celebrations of both the Cooperative Program and the Baptist Faith and Message as well as a sending celebration for a large number of new missionaries.
“We have arranged our business sessions around the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Cooperative Program and the Baptist Faith and Message, and we hope that messengers will come ready to celebrate the substantial history and heritage of our common mission and confession,” said Committee on Order of Business chairperson Beth Holmes of Kentucky. “The (International Mission Board) IMB plans to commission a significant number of missionaries, which is a highlight of our annual meeting program.”
Pressley also said highlighting Southern Baptist cooperation would be a feature of the meeting.
“I look forward to this year’s annual meeting with great anticipation as we gather from all over the country to celebrate 100 years of the BF&M and 100 years of the Cooperative Program,” he said. “The Lord has been kind to Southern Baptists and it’s always great to meet together and deliberate on how we can better serve the cause of Christ.
“We are bound together by the strong chords of mission. This year we will spend more time celebrating God’s call on Southern Baptists and how we turn our attention outward to a lost world. In addition to giving more time to missions celebration, we will also highlight specific resolutions that celebrate the two rails we run on — our confession of faith and the Cooperative Program!”
The program is different from last year’s in that there is no business session Tuesday night (last year that slot was reserved for reports from two SBC task forces). Discussion and consideration of resolutions also will be a bit different — spread over four reports, the first one coming near the top of the first day’s agenda.
“We believe we have created a concise program, with no Tuesday evening session, that still allows us to accomplish the business at hand,” said Holmes.
“We are trusting the Lord to work through the 2025 annual meeting to accomplish great things for Kingdom purposes.”
2025 SBC annual meeting program
Tuesday Morning, June 10, 2025
8:00 Worship — John Stegemerten, Convention music director; worship ministry pastor, Hickory Grove Baptist Church, Charlotte, N.C.
8:10 Prayer — Nathan Lorick, executive director, Southern Baptists of Texas Convention, Grapevine, Texas
8:15 Welcome and Call to Order — Clint Pressley, SBC president; senior pastor, Hickory Grove Baptist Church, Charlotte, N.C.
8:25 Celebrating Freedom — Chaplain Major General Doug Carver, U.S. Army retired, executive director of chaplaincy, North American Mission Board, Alpharetta, Ga.
8:35 Registration Report and Constitution of Convention — Don Currence, SBC registration secretary; administrative pastor, First Baptist Church, Ozark, Mo.
8:40 Committee on Order of Business Report (First) — Beth Holmes, chair, Yellow Creek Baptist Church, Owensboro, Ky.
8:50 Committee on Resolutions Report (First): On Appreciation for the City of Dallas — Andrew Walker, chair; associate dean, School of Theology; associate professor of Christian ethics and public theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Ky.
8:56 GuideStone Financial Resources Report — D. Hance Dilbeck Jr., president and CEO, GuideStone Financial Resources, Dallas
9:08 Introduction of New Motions (First)
9:23 North American Mission Board Presentation and Crossover Report — Kevin Ezell, president, North American Mission Board, Alpharetta, Ga.
9:58 Send Relief Presentation — Kevin Ezell and Paul Chitwood, president, International Mission Board, Richmond, Va.
10:08 International Mission Board Sending Celebration — Paul Chitwood
11:08 Worship — John Stegemerten
11:15 President’s Address — Clint Pressley
11:55 Closing Prayer — Quintell Hill, African American church mobilization strategist, International Mission Board; pastor, Multiply Community Church, Monroe, N.C.
Tuesday Afternoon, June 10, 2025
2:00 Worship — John Stegemerten, Convention music director; worship ministry pastor, Hickory Grove Baptist Church, Charlotte, N.C.
2:10 Prayer — Clint Darst, lead pastor/elder, King’s Cross Church, Greensboro, N.C.
2:15 Election of Recording Secretary
2:20 Election of Registration Secretary
2:25 Election of President
2:30 Election of First Vice President
2:40 Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Cooperative Program
2:55 Committee on Resolutions Report (Second): On the 100th Anniversary of the Cooperative Program — A Declaration of Cooperation — Andrew Walker, chair; associate dean, School of Theology; associate professor of Christian ethics and public theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Ky.
3:00 Executive Committee Report (First) — Jeff Iorg, president and CEO, SBC Executive Committee, Nashville, Tenn.
3:40 Election of Second Vice President
3:50 Committee on Order of Business Report (Second) — Beth Holmes, chair, Yellow Creek Baptist Church, Owensboro, Ky.
4:10 Introduction of New Motions (Last Opportunity)
4:25 Miscellaneous Business
4:45 Committee on Committees Report — Michael Wood, chair; lead pastor, First Baptist Church, West Monroe, La.
4:55 Committee on Nominations Report — Aaron Kahler, chair; lead pastor, Hays Hills Baptist Church, Buda, Texas
5:10 Committee on Resolutions Report (Third) — Andrew Walker
5:55 Closing Prayer — Aaron Peters, pastor, City on a Hill Church, Brighton, Mass.
Wednesday Morning, June 11, 2025
8:00 Worship — John Stegemerten, Convention music director; worship ministry pastor, Hickory Grove Baptist Church, Charlotte, N.C.
8:10 Prayer — Jeremy McMorris, pastor, Paramount Baptist Church, Amarillo, Texas
8:15 Committee on Order of Business Report (Third) — Beth Holmes, chair, Yellow Creek Baptist Church, Owensboro, Ky.
8:36 Lifeway Christian Resources Report — Ben Mandrell, president and CEO, Lifeway Christian Resources, Nashville, Tenn.
8:48 The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission Report — Brent Leatherwood, president; The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, Nashville, Tenn.
9:00 Worship — John Stegemerten
9:05 Convention Sermon — Tony Wolfe, executive director-treasurer, South Carolina Baptist Convention, Columbia, S.C.
9:45 Joint Seminary Reports — Jason K. Allen, president, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Kansas City, Mo.; Daniel L. Akin, president, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, N.C.; James K. Dew Jr., president, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, New Orleans, La.; David Dockery, president, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas; Adam P. Groza, president, Gateway Seminary of the Southern Baptist Convention, Ontario, Calif.; R. Albert Mohler Jr., president, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Ky.
11:00 Executive Committee Report (Second) — Jeff Iorg, president and CEO, SBC Executive Committee, Nashville, Tenn.
11:45 Previously Scheduled Business — Clint Pressley, SBC president; senior pastor, Hickory Grove Baptist Church, Charlotte, N.C.
11:55 Closing Prayer — Drew Edmiston, senior pastor, Anderson Grove Baptist, Albemarle, N.C.
Wednesday Afternoon, June 11, 2025
2:30 Worship — John Stegemerten, Convention music director; worship ministry pastor, Hickory Grove Baptist Church, Charlotte, N.C.
2:45 Prayer — Mat Alexander, senior pastor, First Baptist Church, Gadsden, Ala.
2:50 Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Baptist Faith and Message
3:00 Committee on Resolutions Report (Fourth): On the 100th Anniversary of the Baptist Faith & Message — Andrew Walker, chair; associate dean, School of Theology; associate professor of Christian ethics and public theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Ky.
3:05 Previously Scheduled Business — Clint Pressley, SBC president; senior pastor, Hickory Grove Baptist Church, Charlotte, N.C.
3:35 North American Mission Board Report — Kevin Ezell, president, North American Mission Board, Alpharetta, Ga.
3:47 Woman’s Missionary Union Report — Sandra Wisdom-Martin, executive director-treasurer, Woman’s Missionary Union, Birmingham, Ala.
3:55 International Mission Board Report — Paul Chitwood, president, International Mission Board, Richmond, Va.
4:07 Committee on Order of Business Report (Fourth) — Beth Holmes, chair, Yellow Creek Baptist Church, Owensboro, Ky.
Election of 2026 Convention Preacher, Alternate Preacher, and Music Director
4:17 Presentation of Officers — Jeff Iorg, president and CEO, SBC Executive Committee, Nashville, Tenn.
4:30 Closing Prayer — Stephen Rummage, executive director-treasurer, Florida Baptist Convention, Jacksonville, Fla.
(EDITOR’S NOTE — Laura Erlanson is managing editor of Baptist Press.)