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‘Defining Moments’ forge history, future of WMU-NC
Dianna L. Cagle, BR Production Editor
May 14, 2018

‘Defining Moments’ forge history, future of WMU-NC

‘Defining Moments’ forge history, future of WMU-NC
Dianna L. Cagle, BR Production Editor
May 14, 2018

Many hands and hearts invest in putting together the Woman’s Missionary Union of North Carolina (WMU-NC) Missions Extravaganza (ME).

BR photo by Dianna L. Cagle

Taylor Field shares about the four basic words that his ministry in New York is based on: Meet the need first. Field was the main speaker for Woman’s Missionary Union of North Carolina’s Missions Extravaganza April 27-28.

This year’s 127th annual meeting, with the theme “Defining Moments,” brought together almost 460 participants to Ardmore Baptist Church in Winston-Salem.

“Meet the need first,” said Taylor Field, pastor of Graffiti Church (East 7th Baptist) and director of Graffiti Community Ministries in New York City for more than 25 years. Those four words are the basis for the ministry of Taylor and Susan Field, North American Mission Board SEND missionaries, who served as featured guests during the two-day event April 27-28.

“Look in your life for the people who can’t pay you back,” he said, referring to a sign he keeps in his office that says, “Those who deserve love least need it the most.”

Over three main sessions, Field shared several key ministry concepts: serve the unserved, see the unseen and small is big.

Field spoke of a train ride he once took from New York to Connecticut. Bodies were packed tightly together. A woman began making her way through the train, begging for money.

“She’s dirty,” he recalled thinking, admitting shame at the thought. He was dressed to impress a rich congregation and battled in himself. He didn’t want her to touch him. Emotions welled up within him, and he said it was as if God whispered,”I love her just as much as I love you.”

That was a defining moment for Field.

“[God’s] not impressed by our influence,” Field said. He encouraged the women to start with what they have.

“You don’t have to do everything,” he said, but urged them to start small. “We want to big things in small ways,” said Field, referencing the loaves and fishes story in the Bible.

He asked for prayer for revival and for “God to blow on the embers of our hearts again.”

Sharing from Luke, Field talked about the kind of party Jesus wanted: inviting those everyone would least expect.

“Do not invite your friends,” Field said. “When you give a feast, invite the poor, the lame. You will be blessed … because they cannot pay.”

Rosalie Hunt, a former missionary and author who lives in Alabama, shared during the program as well and in breakout sessions about her upcoming book about Fannie E.S. Heck. Heck was integral in the foundation of WMU. The book is expected to be released in 2019.

An offering collected raised $7,925.78 for ministries of WMU-NC as well as Operation Bandanas, a ministry that gives military service members a camouflage bandana with Psalm 91 printed on it.

Participants approved the 2018 budget of $935,031 for total costs for WMU-NC and operation of Camp Mundo Vista and projected budget for 2019 of $915,031.

Officers elected included:

  • President: Dee Dee Moody, First Baptist Church in Salisbury;
  • Vice President: Deborah Taylor, Mt. Moriah Baptist Church in Lumberton;
  • Vice President of Development: Barbara Hill, Fairview Baptist Church in Statesville;
  • Recording Secretary: Beth McDonald, McDonald Baptist Church in Rockingham; and
  • Assistant Recording Secretary: Alison Markwood, Missio Dei in Greensboro.

Members-at-large that were elected from various regions include:

  • Region 3: Penny Gates;
  • Region 4: Margaret Muegge and Lynn Odom;
  • Region 5: Joyce Rogers;
  • Region 6: Delores Thomas;
  • Region 7: Jessica Ferguson and Norma Hollar;
  • Region 8: Ruby Fulbright;
  • Region 9: Candi Mains; and
  • Region 10: Duronda Hood.

The next meeting is April 26-27, 2019, at Trinity Baptist Church in Raleigh.