Two years ago Hurricane Florence struck North Carolina with devastating force. Today Baptists on Mission (NCBM) dedicated its Charity Rebuild Center, a disaster relief ministry hub near Rose Hill, N.C.
Since its founding in 2019, the site has been home base for volunteer teams as they have rebuilt more than 100 homes in nearby communities. The building was formerly known as Charity Middle School.
North Carolina Emergency Management (NCEM) Director Mike Sprayberry spoke at a dedication ceremony for the rebuild center.
Sprayberry said he received a text message from a resident affected by Hurricane Florence while he was sitting in the room for the ceremony. The individual was requesting help for repairs on their home.
“She’s a Florence survivor,” he said. “She needs help. … If that doesn’t tug on your heart strings – knowing that somebody out there, two years after the fact, is still not in a safe and secure living condition.”
There are currently 73 rebuild projects awaiting completion, said Richard Weeks, Charity’s site director. Thirteen were underway at the time of publication.
Millions of dollars in cleaning supplies and construction materials have been provided through grants and donations.
The facility can host more than 200 volunteers at a time, according to Weeks. Disaster relief leaders anticipate that Hurricane Florence-related relief work will continue for at least two more years.
Other speakers included NCBM executive director Richard Brunson, NCBM staff member Bill Martin, John Butler, executive leader of business services at the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina, and more.