N.C. Baptist Pastors’ Conference President Jordon Willard said this year’s event will focus on various aspects of a pastor’s primary calling to shepherd the flock of God.
Organizers of this year’s N.C. Baptist Pastors’ Conference hope to encourage, equip and bless pastors in their primary callings as shepherd leaders of their respective congregations.
“Shepherd the Flock” is the theme for this year’s conference, which is scheduled for Nov. 5-6 at the Joseph S. Koury Convention Center in Greensboro prior to the annual meeting of the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina. The conference theme is drawn from 1 Peter 5:2 in which Peter exhorts elders to “shepherd the flock of God that is among you” (ESV).
N.C. Baptist Pastors’ Conference President Jordon Willard noted the context of 1 Peter 5 establishes a foundation for pastoral ministry.
“We believe 1 Peter 5:1-4 encapsulates so much of the ministry that pastors are called to,” said Willard, who serves as senior pastor of First Baptist Church of Weddington outside of Charlotte. “The main command in that passage is to ‘shepherd the flock,’ and Peter goes on to explain how that’s to be done and how that’s not to be done. We wanted this year’s conference to have a laser focus on a pastor’s life and ministry.”
Eight speakers from North Carolina and beyond will preach over the course of the two-day meeting, with each speaker addressing a different aspect of pastoral ministry. Topics covered will include character, preaching, adversity, gospel centrality, the Great Commission and more.
Scheduled speakers include: Danny Akin, president, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, N.C.; Jason Allen, president, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Kansas City, Mo.; David Brady, senior pastor, Christ Community Church, Mount Airy, N.C.; H.B. Charles Jr., senior pastor, Shiloh Church, Jacksonville, Fla.; Mark Clifton, teaching pastor, Linwood Baptist Church, Linwood, Kansas and senior director of replanting at the North American Mission Board; Ronjour Locke, elder, Treasuring Christ Church, Raleigh, N.C. and instructor of preaching and urban ministry & director of the Center for Preaching and Pastoral Leadership at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, N.C.; Tony Merida, pastor of preaching and vision, Imago Dei Church, Raleigh, N.C.; and Jim Shaddix, professor of preaching, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, N.C.
“We sought to have our speakers address topics that address the scriptural responsibilities of a shepherd, as well as some of the challenges they will face in ministry,” Willard said. “When taken together, these topics provide a broad but comprehensive look at what shepherding the flock looks like.”
The conference will also include times of congregational singing throughout the event, which will be led by musical guests Kenny and Claire Hilliard, a husband and wife worship duo based out of Nashville, Tennessee.
Willard said he and other event organizers want pastors who attend the conference to feel refreshed and encouraged. Willard noted that many pastors are experiencing burnout, fatigue and discouragement at unprecedented levels, facts that have been highlighted in a number of recent surveys related to pastoral health and well-being.
“Pastors are our heroes, and we want to do everything we can to express appreciation for them,” Willard said. “Many pastors we know are exhausted and lots of them are teetering on the edges of burnout. It’s our desire to lift them up and let them know how valued they are. Our heart behind the entire conference is to build up and encourage these pastors.”
One of the ways conference organizers will show their appreciation for pastors is through a series of giveaways and drawings.
Several sponsors and publishers donated books for giveaway to conference attendees, which will be distributed in seats in the meeting hall and available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Other sponsors and donors have contributed items for a number of special giveaways throughout the event, as well.
Many of the speakers who are published authors have donated copies of select books they have written, which conference organizers are packaging into bundles to be given away during the event. In addition, some premium CSB Bibles, commentary sets and books for pastors’ wives will also be awarded through giveaways during the conference.
Other generous ministries and donors have contributed getaways for pastors and their families.
Each of the three N.C. Baptist conference centers – Caraway Conference Center, Fort Caswell Coastal Retreat and Conference Center, and Truett Conference Center – have each contributed a weekend getaway that will be awarded to selected pastors and their wives through a random drawing during the event.
The North American Mission Board (NAMB) has provided two getaways to one of its upcoming Refresh Retreats in 2024, which will be awarded to randomly selected pastors and their wives during the event. The three-day, two-night retreat will be held at either The Cove in Asheville or the Ritz-Carlton Reynolds resort in Lake Oconee, Georgia.
An anonymous donor has also provided a five-day, four-night giveaway to a beach house in Emerald Isle for a randomly selected pastor and his family.
Winners for each the prizes will be selected through random drawings from among registered attendees. The conference is free, but registration is available online at ncpastorsconference.org.
Willard expressed his deep appreciation for the generosity of donors who have provided a variety of giveaways that will be used to bless pastors.
“Many pastors simply aren’t able to go to a conference, a retreat or a getaway,” Willard said. “So this may be the only time this year that we can have this kind of encouraging impact on their hearts and ministries. Thanks to the generosity of so many, we have the opportunity at this year’s pastors’ conference to go above and beyond in seeking to bless them and show them how much they are appreciated.
“We want them to walk away knowing how much they are valued and how appreciative we are for their life, their ministry and their contribution to the kingdom of God.”
(EDITOR’S NOTE – This article originally appeared in the October 2023 issue of the Biblical Recorder magazine. For more information about this year’s N.C. Baptist Pastors’ Conference, visit ncpastorsconference.org.)