WICHITA, Kan. (BP) — Citing the emergence of a like-minded candidate and the demands of pastoring a “growing, multiethnic, multigenerational inner city church,” Kansas pastor David Crowther has announced his decision not to be a nominee for Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) first vice president at the upcoming annual meeting.
His original decision to be nominated, announced last month, rested on filling a “perceived void” that “called for a candidate who was both a strong theological conservative and firmly committed to the Cooperative Program and mutual work of the Convention,” he told Baptist Press in a statement today.
The recent announcement of Oklahoma Pastor Brad Graves to be a nominee changed things.
“I have known Brad since 2022 and he is a strong supporter of the Cooperative Program and firmly holds to the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message,” said Crowther. “I feel God is releasing me from having my name brought to the floor for consideration.
“I hope that this decision will model my own personal desire and prayer that in the days ahead there will be an ever-increasing spirit of unity, humility and brotherly love in every aspect of our Convention life, including the election of officers.”
Southern Baptists will gather for their annual meeting June 11-12 at the Indiana Convention Center.
(EDITOR’S NOTE — Scott Barkley is national correspondent for Baptist Press.)