Beloved SEBTS English professor Adrianne Miles dies
By Chad Burchett
WAKE FOREST, N.C. (BP) — Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS) and The College at Southeastern remember the late Adrianne Miles, associate professor of English and linguistics, who went home to be with Jesus on Sunday, May 5, after a difficult yet faith-filled battle with cancer. She was 52.
Miles was a much beloved professor, mentor and friend to hundreds of students, staff and faculty. Her joyful investment in students, her passion for biblically equipping women for scholarship and her caring heart for those around her made her a precious gift to the community and a Christ-like presence on campus. Her presence will be deeply missed.
“Few professors have been as beloved by faculty and students alike as Adrianne Miles,” said SEBTS President Danny Akin. “She was a constant source of blessing, encouragement and wisdom. Every time I saw her my heart was lifted and my spirit nourished. She excelled in the classroom and was a wonderful churchwoman and a precious sister in Christ. She is now with the Savior she so adored, served and worshipped. I am consoled in her passing that she has passed into the presence of King Jesus. Well done, AD!”
In Miles’ honor, Southeastern has announced The Dr. Adrianne Cheek Miles Women in Scholarship Endowment, which will help to ensure in perpetuity that generations of women will be biblically equipped for scholarship and Great Commission ministry at Southeastern — a cause dear to Miles’ heart.
A funeral service will be held Saturday, May 11, at 2 p.m. in Binkley Chapel to celebrate Miles’ life and legacy.
SEBTS has dedicated a memorial page to tell her story and to invite others to share memories and gifts in her honor. Click here to view the memorial page.
Students, faculty honored at NOBTS
By Timothy Cockes
NEW ORLEANS (BP) — Notable student performance and faculty achievement were honored during the annual Celebration of Excellence service at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (NOBTS) and Leavell College on Tuesday, April 30.
President Jamie Dew opened the last chapel of the spring semester by expressing his gratitude for another year of study, service and ministry preparation.
“This is a very exciting and a very good day for us as a family just to sit together and acknowledge together what the Lord has done in our lives as a school and then especially what God has done in the lives of various individuals,” Dew said.
“I don’t know about you, but I’m grateful to get to be a part of NOBTS and Leavell college. This is a joyful, life-giving place for all of us. We get to share life together, serve Christ together and today we get to acknowledge, that’s what this is about. This is a day to celebrate, this is a day to acknowledge all of those achievements of our people.”
Various NOBTS and Leavell College faculty members were recognized and honored for their service and ministry throughout the year.
Faculty contributions to the church and the academy were recognized with the Marvin Jones Award for Excellence, named for the longtime Louisiana minister of education, church planter and NOBTS alumnus.
Rex Butler, professor of church history and patristics, received the award for Outstanding Teacher in recognition for classroom performance. Butler is retiring at the end of the school year after 17 years of service with the seminary.
Outstanding Faculty Churchman went to Mike Wetzel, associate professor of pastoral ministry. Wetzel has been serving as the interim pastor of St. Bernard Baptist Church in Chalmette, La., and was honored for his ministry to both the church and the seminary.
Bill Warren, professor of New Testament and Greek, received the award for Outstanding Research Professor for his work leading the H. Milton Haggard Center for New Testament Textual Studies.
Additionally, Ted Williams, assistant professor of expository preaching, received the Ola Farmer Lenaz Grant in support of his continued research for a project relating to the book of Isaiah.
Staff members with service anniversaries of 10 years included Blanca Montero Phillips and Michael Wang.
Staff member Brett Allen was recognized for 15 years of service, and staff members Tyrone Cole and Ky St. Amant were recognized for 20 years of service.
Read the full story here.