Lynette Ezell, wife of North American Mission Board (NAMB) president Kevin Ezell, welcomed ladies to NAMB’s Women’s Evangelism Conference, which took place April 8-9 in Alpharetta, Ga.
ALPHARETTA, Ga.(BP) – More than 300 women from across the United States and Canada attended a Women’s Evangelism Conference at the North American Mission Board (NAMB) April 8-9. The event challenged women to be part of what God is doing to expand His kingdom as they proclaim the Gospel.
“We want to equip the ladies we serve to be confident and comfortable to share Jesus with those they come across,” said Catherine Renfro, national director of Women’s Evangelism at NAMB.
The gathering offered insights into women’s evangelistic calling. Speakers and breakout sessions guided attendees in how to create a culture of evangelism in their ministry contexts across North America.
The conference opened with Renfro alongside Lynette Ezell, wife of NAMB president Kevin Ezell, and Christine Hoover, women’s ministry associate at The Austin Stone Community Church in Austin, Texas.
In her session titled “Called by God,” Hoover told attendees that God chooses to work through individuals not out of necessity but by divine preference.
Missie Branch, vice president of community engagement at Stand for Life, led a session called “Engaging the Lost,” leveraging the Acts 3 narrative of the disciples and the lame beggar to highlight the significance of recognizing evangelism opportunities.
“Their faith produced boldness, and yet it was laced with humility because they recognized God’s power at work,” Branch said.
Branch encouraged a bold yet humble approach to faith, advocating for a perspective that sees beyond immediate needs to the eternal treasure of Jesus. “We only need to step out in faith and boldness, even in the face of opposition, trusting God’s power in us,” she said.
In her session “Creating a Culture of Evangelism,” Renfro emphasized that evangelism should permeate the fabric of a ministry’s identity rather than be an intermittent campaign.
“Campaigns start and end; culture is a way of life. Campaigns are promoted within a ministry or church,” Renfro said. “Culture displays who we are as the Church.”
Renfro outlined the ministry of reconciliation as a universal calling for believers, presenting a roadmap for spiritual health, planning for evangelism and engagement strategies that resonate with the mission to lead others to Christ.
“According to 2 Corinthians 5:18, the ministry we have is the ministry of reconciliation,” Renfro said. “The ministry we have is to point people to King Jesus and help them know how to be reconciled and brought into the relationship with God that He intends to have with all of us. The areas of ministry that God has called you to lead and serve are avenues that God has given you to live out the ministry of reconciliation.”
Renfro also hosted a panel discussion that allowed guests to present varied perspectives on integrating evangelism into every facet of life. The panelists shared personal anecdotes and strategies, reinforcing the importance of living as ambassadors of Christ and sharing the love of Christ in everyday conversations.
Kevin Ezell and NAMB Vice President of Evangelism Tim Dowdy both welcomed and briefly encouraged attendees.
“We are here to help you ignite the flame of evangelism in your ministry context so that people go out and make Jesus known in their community,” Dowdy said.
In her concluding session, Hoover reminded attendees that God prepares individuals for disciple-making through their own stories and through the power of the Holy Spirit. She highlighted the command given in Matthew 28 to “Go and make disciples” and emphasized that we do not go alone.
“We go, but not empty-handed. We go with our stories and His presence,” Hoover said. “His strength empowers us to do what he calls us to do.”
NAMB’s Women’s Evangelism Conference was designed to challenge attendees to leverage their lives and ministries to make Jesus known.
“A lack of attention on evangelism will lead to a lack of engagement in evangelism,” Renfro said.
Learn more at nambevangelism.com/women.