David Herman, pastor of Pleasant Grove Baptist Church in Creedmoor, has been appointed vice president of the 2023 N.C. Baptist Pastors’ Conference.
David Herman, senior pastor of Pleasant Grove Baptist Church in Creedmoor, has been appointed vice president of the 2023 N.C. Baptist Pastors’ Conference after current vice president Matt Ledbetter announced his resignation from the post after accepting a new ministry assignment outside of North Carolina.
Ledbetter, who has served as pastor of Creeksville Baptist Church in Conway for the past four years, informed his congregation on Sunday, April 23, that he will become new associational mission strategist for the Duck River Baptist Association in south central Tennessee in late May.
Current N.C. Baptists Pastors’ Conference President Jordon Willard, pastor of First Baptist Church of Weddington, notified the Biblical Recorder of the appointment of a new vice president, which he said took place in accordance with the pastors’ conference bylaws.
“When Matt notified me of his new ministry assignment, he submitted his resignation as vice president of the 2023 N.C. Baptist Pastors’ Conference,” Willard said. “I then followed our bylaws, which direct all officers of the current year and officers-elect of the following year to appoint a replacement.”
Willard said the officers were unanimous in their appointment of Herman as the new vice president. In addition to Willard, the officers included: 2023 secretary-treasurer Brandon Powell, student mobilization consultant for N.C. Baptists on Mission; 2024 president Andrew Hopper, lead pastor of Mercy Hill Church in Greensboro; 2024 vice president Jesse Watkins, preaching pastor of Fellowship Southern Baptist Church in Concord; and Howard McNeill, senior pastor of Southside Baptist Church in Greensboro.
Herman said he is grateful for the opportunity to support and serve pastors. Herman has served at Pleasant Grove Baptist Church in his hometown of Creedmoor since 2007, and he became the church’s senior pastor in February 2019.
“I’m honored to serve alongside Jordon in support of his vision for the 2023 Pastor’s Conference,” Herman said. “In a time where pastors are often discouraged and exhausted, the opportunity to be ministered to as they sit under the proclamation of God’s Word is invaluable. The N.C. Pastor’s Conference continues to be a highlight of my year, and I could not be more excited about the theme of ‘Shepherd the Flock.’”
Ledbetter also gave Herman his full endorsement.
“When I told the officers of my news, the only person I suggested to fill the position was David Herman,” Ledbetter said. “He’s an awesome guy, a great pastor and he loves the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina. The Pastors’ Conference will be well served with him as vice president.”
Ledbetter and Herman were both candidates for the position of 2023 N.C. Baptist Pastors’ Conference vice president. Ledbetter was elected to the post by attendees at the 2021 conference. Officer elections for the N.C. Baptist Pastors’ Conference are held two years in advance.
Ledbetter – a North Carolina native who was saved, called to ministry, served four churches and held a number of leadership positions in the state – said while he is looking forward to his new ministry role, he will miss North Carolina.
“I have enjoyed being an N.C. Baptist for most of the years of my life,” Ledbetter said. “I have gained much more respect and love for the people, pastors and churches of the state convention for all of the wonderful people who serve on staff at the convention. I will truly miss being an N.C. Baptist, but I will always be an N.C. Baptist at heart.”
The 2023 N.C. Baptist Pastors’ Conference is scheduled for Nov. 5-6 at the Koury Convention Center in Greensboro. The conference precedes the N.C. Baptist annual meeting, which is scheduled for Nov. 6-7 at the Koury Center.