JACKSON, Tenn. (BP) — Oklahoma pastor Stephen Rummage will be nominated at the 2023 SBC Pastors’ Conference for the presidency of next year’s pastors’ conference by Tennessee pastor Adam Dooley. Rummage currently serves as the senior pastor of Quail Springs Baptist Church in Oklahoma City.
“I cannot imagine a better choice to lead next year’s SBC Pastors’ Conference than Stephen Rummage,” said Dooley, pastor of Englewood Baptist in Jackson, Tenn. “From my perspective, he represents everything that is good about Southern Baptists.
“For years, his servant leadership in local churches of all sizes and his scholarship at the seminary level have inspired us to serve the Lord with excellence. With the heart of a pastor and the mind of a professor, Stephen not only wrote the book on engaging exposition, but he also models the same week in and week out at the great Quail Springs Baptist Church.”
Rummage is well-known among Southern Baptists having served in many denominational service roles throughout his career. He served as president of the Florida Baptist State Convention in 2016-18 and chaired the SBC Executive Committee during the same years. In 2012, he served as president of the Florida Baptist Convention Pastors’ Conference and preached the convention sermon at the 2019 SBC Annual Meeting in Birmingham, Ala. He has also served on the faculties of New Orleans, Southeastern, and Midwestern seminaries and delivered two significant academic lecture series on preaching in 2023, the Adams Lectures at Southeastern Seminary and Deere-Hester Lectures at Gateway Seminary.
According to Annual Church Profile information, Quail Springs reported 55 baptisms in 2022 and averaged 1,254 in weekly worship. The church collected $9,797,473 total undesignated receipts, with $910,046.39 (10.77 percent) given through the Cooperative Program. The church also gave $74,724.35 to the 2022 Lottie Moon Christmas Offering and an additional $69,243.91 to the 2022 Annie Armstrong Easter Offering.
Rummage has an M.Div. with a specialization in biblical languages from Southeastern Seminary and a Ph.D. in preaching from New Orleans Seminary. He and his wife, Michele, have been married and in ministry together since 1991. They have one adult son, Joshua, a pharmacist, who lives in Florida with his wife, Morgan.
The 2024 SBC Pastors’ Conference is scheduled to be held June 9 & 10 in Indianapolis, Ind., in conjunction with the 2024 SBC Annual Meeting, June 11 & 12.