Henry Blackaby funeral set for Feb. 25
By Roger Alford, The Christian Index
JONESBORO, Ga. (BP) – Pastor and author Henry Blackaby is being remembered as “a great Bible teacher” who inspired untold numbers of missionaries, church planters and everyday believers to “watch where God is working and join Him.”
A funeral for Blackaby, author of the best-selling “Experiencing God” Bible study, has been set for 3 p.m. on Feb. 25 at Jonesboro’s First Baptist Church where his son, Mel, serves as senior pastor.
People can also pay their respects during a visitation scheduled from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Feb. 24 at Ford-Stewart Funeral Home in Jonesboro.
Blackaby’s son Richard described his father as a spiritual giant.
“He helped countless people experience God,” Richard said. “Now he is experiencing God in ways that surely surpass even his most cherished dreams.”
“I just arrived home from South Africa with lots of people in Africa wanting me to tell Dad how his life and work had changed their lives,” Mel wrote on Facebook “I hear that same sentiment all around the world.”
Experiencing God sold some 8 million copies, but Blackaby is probably best known for practical advice to believers: “Watch and see where God is working and join Him.”
News of Blackaby’s death triggered an outpouring on social media with thousands of people heralding his ministry.
In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Blackaby Ministries International or to the Blackaby Chair of Spiritual Leadership at the Canadian Baptist Theological Seminary and College.
2024 National Collegiate Summit to be May 1-3 in Tennessee
By Julia Bell, Baptist Collegiate Network
COLLIERVILLE, Tenn. (BP) – Baptist collegiate ministry leaders from across the country will gather May 1-3 for the 2024 Collegiate Summit held near Memphis. The event is held every three years and features valuable resources, well-known guest speakers and networking opportunities for campus ministers and church college leaders looking to enhance their ministries to students. More than 700 participants are expected at the event, organized by the Baptist Collegiate Network.
Planning Team Leader Ryan Scantling said participants can expect the interactive event to “help college ministry leaders capture God’s vision for their life and ministry, while forming layers of encouragement and accountability for it.”
The summit will be held at Collierville First Baptist Church beginning at 1 p.m. Wednesday, May 1, and conclude with a morning session on Friday, May 3. Guest speakers include Bill Elliff, Shane Pruitt, Tom Richter, Zane Pratt and Paul Worcester.
A new micro-conference for large church college ministry leaders has been added this year with breakout session topics designed to better equip these leaders and to help create a network for them moving forward.
Today’s college campus is “the most strategic mission field on earth,” Scantling said. “Collegiate Summit will equip and encourage folks to continue ministering to and reaching these students with the Gospel.”
Early registration is $99 and ends Feb. 14. Registration continues through May 1. Registration costs increase as event date approaches, and discounted rates are available for spouses.
The full schedule, list of event personalities, breakout session topics, lodging, and registration information may be found online at www.CollegeMinistry.com/events/CollegiateSummit.