Kansas-Nebraska meeting focuses on partnership, worship
By Kevin Ferstl, Church Forward KNCSB
SALINA, Kan. (BP) — The 2024 annual meeting of Church Forward (Kansas-Nebraska Convention of Southern Baptists) was hosted by the convention-owned Webster Conference Center Oct. 14-15. Continuing the vision of Church Forward, helping church leaders develop a culture of disciple making within their church, garners much to celebrate.
“This time together is strategic for our leaders to reflect, refresh, give thanks to God and experience potentially new concepts and ideas to strengthen the discipleship of their congregation,” said Kevin Ferstl, director of communication and worship for Church Forward.
Some examples of breakout sessions focused on introducing new discipleship ideas were: “Discipling Worshippers Beyond the Song Set,” “Sharpening Your Discipleship Core: Key Lenses to Assess and Strengthen Discipleship in Your Church,” and “Kneading Discipleship Into Your DNA Through Student Ministry.”
“Fulfilling God’s mission across our two states requires a great bond and relationship among our associational leaders, convention staff and local church leaders,” Ferstl said. “Each year the annual meeting is a vivid reminder of that partnership.”
The meeting drew 270 messengers and 63 visitors.
“For 79 years we have been gathering together to celebrate as a convention of churches,” said Dr. David Manner, the convention’s executive director. “Over the two days of meetings we heard stories of what God has done and will continue to do in and through the various cultures and ethnicities of our churches and ministries across Nebraska and Kansas.”
Attendees heard guest speakers Ben Mandrell, president of Lifeway Christian Resources; Joel Wentworth, pastor and association leader of Burwell Baptist Church, Burwell, Neb.; Jeff Iorg, president and CEO of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) Executive Committee; and David Gibbs, Church Forward president and pastor of First Baptist Church Towanda, Kan.
Bilingual worship for all general sessions was led by Jason Waller of CrossPoint Church, Salina, Kan.; Stevie Warren of Metro East Baptist Church, Wichita, Kan.; Shawn McCool of Christian Challenge, K-State Manhattan, Kan.; Myra Boden of Southview Baptist Church, Lincoln, Neb.; Maikel Noa Jr. of Northern Heights Baptist Church, Norfolk, Neb.; Tatnai Lombana of Northern Heights Baptist Church, Norfolk, Neb.; and additional leaders from a Church Forward worship leader residency partnership with CrossPoint Worship.
The 2025 budget was approved in an amount of $4,666,380, an approximately 7% decrease over 2024. The portion forwarded to national and international SBC missions and ministry is 29%, a 2-point decrease from last year.
Officers elected were President David Gibbs, Vice President David Crowther, Recording Secretary Jimmy Charles, Assistant Recording Secretary Vicki VanMeter, Parliamentarian Sandy Peterson and Historical Secretary Tony Mattia.
The 2025 Church Forward annual meeting will be hosted by Webster Conference Center of Salina, Kan. on Oct. 14-15, 2024.
Arkansas Baptists celebrate God’s faithfulness
By Mary Alford, ABSC
LITTLE ROCK — Arkansas Baptists gathered in Little Rock Oct. 22-23 for the 171st annual meeting of the Arkansas Baptist State Convention (ABSC) at Geyer Springs First Baptist Church.
The theme for this year’s annual meeting, “Faithful,” was taken from Hebrews 10:23, “Let us hold on to the confession of our hope without wavering, since He who promised is faithful.”
Messengers, totaling 489, elected officers and heard reports from ABSC team leaders and institutions. Jeremy Greer, dean at Pruet School of Christian Studies at Ouachita Baptist University, brought the convention sermon. Messengers also heard messages from ABSC Executive Director Rex Horne, Senior Pastor Jarrett Stephens of Champion Forest Church in Houston, Texas, and Senior Pastor Tim Hobbs of First Baptist Church in Branch.
Election of officers
Officers elected include President Brad Lewter, pastor of Grand Avenue Baptist Church in Fort Smith (elected to second term); First Vice President Laramie LeQuieu, pastor of Harvest Baptist Church in Paragould; and Second Vice President Wade Totty, associational missionary of Liberty Baptist Association.
Paul Williams was re-elected as chair of the Executive Board of the Arkansas Baptist State Convention.
Final approval of amendments
Messengers gave final approval of a recommendation from the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws Committee amending and restating the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of the ABSC.
The proposed changes were first presented at the 2023 annual meeting and were presented a second time this year for a final vote.
One of the changes, in Article III Section 1 of the Articles of Incorporation, further defines “cooperating Baptist church” to include financial support of the Cooperative Program. Additionally, in Article I Section 1 of the Bylaws, the ABSC treasurer is now separated from the executive director and established as a standalone officer position.
The full amended and restated Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws can be found under resources on the ABSC website. For an Interpretative Note of Clarification from the Articles and Bylaws Committee, click here.
Additionally, messengers on Tuesday approved the 2025 budget and goals of the Executive Board.
The total budget of $21 million is unchanged from last year. The percentage forwarded to national and international Southern Baptist missions and ministry causes is 46.06%, a slight percentage increase over last year.
Miscellaneous business
Arkansas Baptist messengers approved three motions during the 2024 annual meeting.
On Tuesday, Emil Turner, a messenger of Southside Baptist Church in Stuttgart, made a motion for the Executive Board of the Arkansas Baptist State Convention to evaluate the current budget formula of the Arkansas Baptist State Convention and consider bringing to the messengers of the 2025 state convention a new budget formula which would begin with the 2026 budget year.
Holding up his phone, Turner said from time to time it gets automatic updates.
“I find that the tool becomes more effective after the update,” he said. “More secure, it does more things, easier to use. Our Arkansas Baptist State Convention budget formula is a majestic tool for distributing funds to reach a lost world. But like every tool, it needs an update from time to time. This motion simply asks the Executive Board, which is elected by this convention, to study an update and, if possible, bring an update for this convention’s approval.”
The next motion was brought forward by Aaron Chastain, messenger of Grand Avenue Baptist Church in Fort Smith. He moved the Sexual Abuse Response and Resource Team be transitioned to the Arkansas Baptist State Convention Executive Board, effective Jan. 1, 2025, with the Sexual Abuse Resource and Response Team serving in a consultation role during the year 2025 until being dissolved at the adjournment of the 2025 Arkansas Baptist State Convention annual meeting.
On Wednesday, Ron West, a messenger of Little Rock Immanuel Chinese Baptist Church, motioned for the Arkansas Baptist State Convention Executive Committee to study the state convention policy on non-disclosure agreements (NDAs).
All three motions were approved by the messengers.
Messengers also approved three resolutions — one expressing appreciation for the host church and two stating opposition to gambling in the state. Messengers resolved to “fight against these evils by refusal to participate in the casino gambling industry.”