EDEN PRAIRIE, Minn. (BP) — Defending itself against Iran, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu noted the nation of God’s chosen people is at war on seven fronts, not only against Iran, but also Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, terrorists in the West Bank and Shiite militias in Iraq and Syria.
Are there biblical prophecies — along with corroborating archeological evidence — foretelling the nation’s predicament?
That is the answer investigative Christian filmmaker Tim Mahoney sets out to answer in “Patterns of Evidence: The Israel Dilemma – Ancient Prophecies.”
For Mahoney, the Israel dilemma is three-pronged.
“The dilemma is Israel, whether they realize it or not, they’re in a covenant with God. It’s a dilemma for the Jewish people to understand what does it mean to be in covenant with God,” Mahoney told Baptist Press.
“No. 2, are they in a dilemma politically when it comes to war, because they’re surrounded by these nations that want them to be completely annihilated?
“No. 3 the world, I believe, is going to be facing an Israel dilemma,” he said. “Are the Scriptures true? Zechariah (12:3) says for example, the nations will surround Jerusalem and injure themselves trying to move it. How do we respond to these people? What do we do?”
In the documentary, Mahoney interviews theologians and scholars including Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Professor of Old Testament Interpretation Peter Gentry, national leaders including Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former Israel President Shimon Peres, archaeologists and others.
Opening with Israel’s current wars and conflicts, the film explores Israel’s claim to the land and delves into the history, looking at Scripture, tracing archeological evidence of God’s written Word and tying Scripture to historical patterns already seen.
The film explores five parts of God’s covenant with Israel, Mahoney said, expressly the promise of a kingdom, the promises of blessings with obedience and cursings with disobedience, the prophecy that Israel would break the covenant, thereby causing their kingdom to be destroyed, the promise that Israel would be scattered and the promise of inherent persecution.
“But then God is merciful and I think this is the message to all of us. He’s not going to break His covenant,” Mahoney said, referencing the Scripture of God gathering the Israelites from the land of their enemies and restoring them to their homeland.
“So we end up seeing that this pattern is then prophesied,” he said, “and we find the evidence for it, powerful evidence, and we see that God is a God (who) keeps His word. He tells us what He’s going to do…God is telling us that He’s outside of time and space.”
The Israel Dilemma examines Israel’s history from Genesis 1 through 536 B.C. when Israel returned from Babylonian exile to rebuild the temple, Mahoney said, with a second film planned to examine the 2000 years of Israel’s being scattered and persecuted.
“When we started to investigate this film,” Mahoney said, “we could see that this pattern has happened twice. These films are basically showing that God keeps His Word, and these prophecies are being fulfilled in a remarkable way.”
While a third film is not yet planned, Mahoney believes such a film will likely be needed to examine Israel’s response to the Messiah.
Noted international Bible teacher and Billy Graham’s daughter, Anne Graham Lotz, describes the film as “a riveting blend of history, archeology, drama, and investigative narration that is spellbinding.”
“Truly, Tim Mahoney has created a superb film that is a must-see for Jews, Christians, Bible critics, and prophecy skeptics,” she said in endorsing the work. “I give it my applause and full endorsement.”
The Israel Dilemma is in nearly 500 theaters nationwide Nov. 13, 14 and 17, but Mahoney encourages viewers to buy tickets in advance to ensure all showings are retained.
Mahoney also promotes the film as a neutral way to share the Bible with those less prone to accept an invitation to church.
“It’s important for the biblical stories to be in the public, I believe,” he said. “Having the theater showings is also a way for you, the audience, to invite people. Many people might not go to a church, but they will go to a movie.”
Tickets are available here, with additional information available at the Patterns of Evidence Foundation including a companion Bible study.
Through the foundation, Mahoney has made a series of films exploring biblical text and archeological evidence, including “The Exodus,” “The Moses Controversy,” “Red Sea Miracle (1 and 2),” “The Journey Home” and “Journey to Mount Sinai.” His work is available at Right Now Media and other outlets.
The Israel Dilemma is released through Iconic Events Releasing.
(EDITOR’S NOTE — Diana Chandler is Baptist Press’ senior writer.)