N.C. Baptist Executive Director-Treasurer Todd Unzicker challenged churches to serve their communities during the week of Aug. 3-10, 2024.
GREENSBORO, N.C. – Baptist State Convention of North Carolina Executive Director-Treasurer Todd Unzicker called on N.C. Baptist churches to commit to serve their local communities for a week in August 2024 through a special initiative called “ServeNC.”
Serving communities and churches across the state was one of four ways Unzicker said that N.C. Baptist churches are on mission together. The other ways were training the next generation, reaching the lost, and sending missionaries and church planters from local congregations.
The remarks and call to action came during Unzicker’s executive director-treasurer’s address at the N.C. Baptist annual meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 7, at the Joseph S. Koury Convention Center.
Unzicker concluded his address by encouraging churches to participate in the statewide “ServeNC” initiative in August 2024. The goal of the initiative is to have N.C. Baptist churches come together during the week of Aug. 3-10, 2024, to meet needs in their local community in Jesus’ name.
“In 2024, your church can mobilize people out of their seats and into the streets,” Unzicker said. “I’m challenging you right now to commit to serve your community with any service project you choose during the summer of 2024.
“By signing up for ServeNC, you simply promise to say we’re going to show up into our community because we want to point them to the One that showed up for us, and His name is Jesus.”
Unzicker cited four reasons for the initiative. They were:
• To bring honor and glory to Jesus Christ.
• To see people come to faith in Christ.
• To demonstrate the gospel.
• To unite behind a specific goal to show that every church loves every community.
“We want to see In this next year that we not only are going to train, we’re not only going to reach, we’re not only going to send, but we want to serve every community with the gospel of Jesus Christ because we truly are on mission together,” Unzicker said.
To learn more and sign up for “ServeNC,” visit servenc.com.