Outgoing president Deborah Taylor and president-elect Barbara Hill call the meeting to order.
“Light of the World” was the theme for this year’s Ignite! Missions Conference and the 133rd meeting of the Woman’s Missionary Union of NC. It celebrated the hope found in Jesus and emphasized the believer’s call to missions. “Though Jesus could spread His light to the world in an infinite number of ways, He chooses to use us,” one speaker stated during Friday’s worship session. “It’s an honor and a great responsibility.”
Ignite! Missions Conference was held at Parkview Baptist Church in Concord on April 19-20. It featured hands-on mission projects, missionary speakers, a flag ceremony to honor missionaries, Christian martyrs, and unreached people groups, a “Missions Expo” featuring ministries from across the state, and many breakout sessions designed to challenge, prepare, and equip participants for missions.
WMU NC partnered with One More Child Friday afternoon to host a meal-packing party. Over 70 participants gathered before the official start of the conference to pack more than 15,000 meals for human trafficking victims. Participants also brought and packed items for Raceway Ministries in Charlotte.

Missionaries from NAMB, IMB, and CBF participated in worship, giving testimonies and praying for missionaries around the world. Missionary Kerry Jackson of Georgia painted a portrait of Jesus during Saturday morning’s worship service. Later he shared how God has used his artistic ability to allow him to share the gospel, encouraging all present to embrace their God-given gifts.
Award-winning singer/songwriter Cindy Morgan led in worship, teaching participants new choruses and sharing many of her original compositions. She also read from her debut novel The Year of Jubilee.
The keynote speaker was Holly Myers of Gastonia, founder and president of Unbound Ministry. She encouraged participants to “come sit with the Father” to find rest and rejuvenation. She challenged women to pay attention to how they can minister to their “here, near, and far.”
Deborah Taylor, outgoing President of the last four years, gave a devotion and was honored at Friday night’s worship service.
This year also featured Missions Journey Kids Day. Elementary students “visited” Brazil, learning from missionary Kristin Trick about Brazilian culture, language, people groups, and how missionaries are reaching Brazil for Christ. A Youth Camp allowed teens to participate in the conference as well, through hands-on missions and sessions designed to challenge, prepare, and equip them for missions in their schools and communities.
During the conference, Margaret Harding was presented with the Heritage Award from WMU NC. Harding worked on the WMU NC staff for almost 20 years before retiring, and remains active in her church serving as the WMU director there.

Business and Voting
One order of business was the election of the following officers and new executive board members: Barbara Hill of Statesville was elected for her first year as President; Kim Bounds of Clemmons, as Vice President; Karen McCracken of Almond, as Vice President of Development; Jessica Hatcher of Sanford, as Recording Secretary; and Hannah Hord of Lawndale, as Assistant Recording Secretary.
WMU NC welcomed the following new executive board members: Region 1, Myra D. Northcott; Region 3, Linda Mercado; Region 3, Beth Futrell; Region 4, Morgan Fincher; Region 4, Lori Barbour-Moore; Region 5, Tonia Curlee Smith; Region 6, Linda Trevino; Region 7, Cornelia Groce; Region 8, Beth Beam; Region 9, Vernie Pace; Region 10, Glatha Buchanan; and Region 10, Ruthie Salter.
The next Missions Conference will be held at Trinity Baptist Church in Raleigh on April 25-26, 2025.