As a fellow church member, I cannot tell you how grateful I am for the pastors in my life who have devoted countless hours to equip me to do the work of ministry.
You and I both would likely not be where we are today had it not been for the steady and faithful leadership of our local pastors. These men of God have sacrificed much to see Christ’s church flourish for the sake of the mission.
That’s why every October we take time to show gratitude to our pastors through Pastor Appreciation Month. Our convention has greatly benefited from their service, and we want our pastors to know how much we appreciate them and their ministry.
But I also realize that the task of being a pastor is not easy. A pastor’s work can often be costly and thankless. I know many of our pastors can feel discouraged in their calling.
Each of our pastors faces unique circumstances and challenges, which means that we need to show care for our pastors with their particular contexts in mind.
Caring for pastors in established churches often means that we need to encourage them as they navigate the challenges of maintaining a steady ministry. Many of our pastors have to balance multiple responsibilities, trying to be available to church members while also helping organize programs, facilitating committee meetings, training church leaders and preparing for sermons. Some of our pastors are coming to the end of their tenures and are feeling the weight that comes from years of service. These pastors need our prayer and encouragement to run the race well.
Pastors who are being called to plant a church also need our care and support. Starting a new church is a daunting calling, and it takes months of planning and prayer before a church ever launches. We can care for these pastors by partnering with them in the mission to plant new churches, showing them hospitality and generosity as a way to encourage our church planters in what God has called them — and us — to do.
One of the best ways we can support our church planters is through missions giving opportunities such as the North Carolina Missions Offering (NCMO). Every year, N.C. Baptist churches raise funds to help support missions efforts across our state and beyond. In addition to assisting disaster relief efforts and other ministries, the NCMO is a key way our SendNC church planters receive the financial support they need to fulfill the calling to plant new churches. Our gifts are essential to the work of ministry.
Caring for our pastors may look different for everyone. For some, caring for our pastors means that we show support through gifts to the NCMO. For others, caring for our pastors means we invite a pastor over for a meal, offer to run an errand or do some other small act of service.
Consider the ways your pastor can be best served. Whichever way you decide to care for your pastor, I know he will be grateful for it.
(EDITOR’S NOTE — This article originally appeared in the September/October 2024 issue of the Biblical Recorder.)