N.C. Baptists saw God do some amazing things in 2024.
In April, we saw nearly 900 people baptized during our “Fill the Tank” emphasis. Over the summer, more than 12,000 students attended our camps and conferences — a record number. And in August, we saw more than 1,200 N.C. Baptist churches from 92 counties come together for our first-ever “ServeNC” emphasis, displaying the love of Jesus to local communities across the state.
Last year also had some unprecedented challenges — especially when Hurricane Helene hit the state in late September. We faced a great hurdle when western North Carolina was devastated by this once-in-a-lifetime storm which changed a countless number of lives. But even in the midst of tragedy, we saw N.C. Baptists come together like never before as thousands of volunteers lined up to serve with Baptists on Mission, bringing relief and hope to those who were hurting.
Witnessing what God has done over the past year makes me excited to see what He has in store for us in 2025. As we continue reaching, training, sending and serving, I’m confident that God will guide us onward as we move forward in our mission to make disciples of all nations.
The gospel compels us to reach those who don’t know Christ. Every year, I’m amazed to see how God moves through our churches during the annual “Fill the Tank” emphasis, and I anticipate God will bring many souls to Him again this year as we fill our tanks on Sunday, April 27. Consider how your church can use “Fill the Tank” to encourage evangelism so that the lost around you can be reached for Him.
We’ll also have ample opportunities to train together throughout the year — especially at our upcoming Disciple-Making Conference happening in Raleigh on Feb. 25. This is always a special event for N.C. Baptists, and this year will be no different. I hope you’ll join us for a time of teaching, worship and equipping and that it encourages you to continue in the primary task of making disciples. The coming year will also feature numerous other opportunities for training and equipping.
In 2025, N.C. Baptists will continue to equip churches to send church planters. Make no mistake: Conventions aren’t the ones planting churches — churches plant churches. But through SendNC, our state convention wants to ensure you and your church are equipped to raise up and send leaders to plant more churches. This year, consider how you and your church can increase your sending capacity, and visit sendnc.com to start that sending journey.
Finally, for N.C. Baptists, 2025 will be a year marked by serving. We may be a few months removed from Helene, but our work in western North Carolina is not done. We plan to be serving in western North Carolina for years to come. In 2025, let’s make service in this part of our state a top priority. You can visit ncbaptist.org/helene to learn how you and your church can pray, give and go as a way to serve those affected by Helene. And as we think about serving, begin making plans now for your church to participate in this year’s “ServeNC” emphasis week Aug. 2-9. Visit servenc.com to learn more.
I’m grateful to be partnering on mission together with you once again in 2025. Last year, N.C. Baptists demonstrated that we are a convention of churches that takes the Great Commission seriously. My prayer is that this will be true for years to come as we reach, train, send and serve on mission together.
(EDITOR’S NOTE — This article first appeared in the January/February 2025 issue of the Biblical Recorder magazine. Here is a link to a calendar of significant events in N.C. Baptist life for 2025.)