None of us likes to confess our sin to another believer. Instead, we too often choose to hide in our sin. Ultimately, God is the one who forgives us, but here are reasons we must prayerfully consider confessing our wrong to another brother or sister in Christ:
- The Bible expects us to do so. While scholars debate the best interpretation and application of James 5:16 (“Confess your sins to each other”), the text surely speaks of the importance of wisely and discreetly being honest with each other about our sin.
- It stops us from developing a life of hypocrisy. Hypocritical living does not happen overnight; it’s a pattern that develops over time. Confession puts the brakes on that kind of living.
- It shares the burden of righteous living. Following Christ in a dark world is not easy – especially when we try to live it alone. A brother or sister in Christ with whom we can be completely honest is a gift of God who strengthens and encourages us.
- It breaks the enemy’s stronghold. Satan wants us to fall into sin, hide it, and stay in the bondage. Confession moves our sin out of the darkness into the light, where forgiveness is freeing.
- It facilitates genuine repentance. Real repentance is not just a single act of, “I won’t do this again”; instead, it’s a continual choice after choice after choice to say “no.” I’ve found it easier to say “no” when someone else who knows my struggle is walking beside me in prayer.
- It allows the church to be the church. Godly relationships are deep and transformative. Only believers can truly understand what it means to bare our soul to another person – and still be loved.
- It encourages others to confess their sin, too. When I confess my sin to another brother, my action invites him to do the same. It doesn’t always happen that way, but it does more often than not.
- It brings cleansing and renewal. When we confess our sin, God is “faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). I can’t explain how it happens, but the joy of forgiveness is real when we confess our sin to God.
- It allows others to “put flesh on” the forgiveness that God grants. There’s something quite special about receiving forgiveness and love from other brothers and sisters in Christ when we confess our wrong.
- It helps us sleep better. Sin we cover up keeps us awake at night, but sleep is sweet when we’ve been honest with God and others.
I invite you today to find somebody with whom you can be honest, and be real about your sin.
(EDITOR’S NOTE — Chuck Lawless is dean of doctoral studies and vice president of spiritual formation and ministry centers at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, N.C., where he also serves as professor of evangelism and missions. This article originally appeared at chucklawless.com.)